ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems

What is ISO 45001?

ISO 45001:2018 is the first internationally recognized standard for occupational health and safety management in companies. It defines the requirements for an operational health and safety management system and structurally closely follows the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. With the help of ISO 45001, companies can create an integrated occupational health and safety management system (HSMS system) that supports their efforts to prevent unsafe behaviour and accidents.

Objectives of the new standard

The objectives of the new occupational health and safety standard are basically the same as those of OHSAS 18001. The new standard was developed to unify all requirements for national and international occupational health and safety management systems into a single standard. Occupational safety goes beyond the simple avoidance of accidents and includes all measures designed to prevent unsafe behaviour

A workplace that prioritizes the health and safety of all those it employs, in whatever capacity, is universally beneficial. Containing risk and promoting health, however, is an ongoing project requiring continuous improvement. The PDCA cycle (“Plan “, “Do “, “Check “and “Act “) identifies the basic steps for achieving and maintaining optimum occupational health and safety throughout an organization.

Differences between OHSAS 18001 and ISO 45001

Even though the basics of ISO 45001 were already codified in OHSAS 18001, it does include innovations that organizations must take into account in the course of certification. For example, ISO 45001 incorporates the High-Level Structure (HLS), which facilitates greater integration among systems of different disciplines. It promotes ease of compatibility and consistency across standards. In addition, ISO 45001 now includes standardized occupational health and safety requirements for managers, employees and service providers, including the specific requirements related to their respective work environments and conditions.

ISO 18001 ISO 45001
Own structure High-level structure
Procedure based Process oriented
Risks taken into account Risks and opportunities considered
Management is not included Management is included
Own employees Entire value chain

Conversion from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001

The amended ISO 45001:2018 standard has been in force since March 12, 2018. Previously certified companies or organizations have a three-year transition period until March 12, 2021 to convert to the new standard. Certificates according to OHSAS 18001 then lose their validity.

Guide to the changeover

When converting your existing work management system from OHSAS 18001 to ISO 45001, a result-oriented approach is essential. This includes the preparation of an internal action plan, which contains all necessary steps from training in ISO 45001 to the final conversion. A sample overview of an internal action plan may look like this:

Advantages of ISO 45001

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A few steps to ISO 45001 certification